Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You're My Best Friend... sometimes!

Savannah has a best friend and a boyfriend. She'll admit to both. Today's escapade is courtesy of her best friend, who is most often referred to as "Gracie Lou"... even though her middle name isn't Lou. :) Savannah goes to day care with a ton of other kids, but Savannah and Grace bonded immediately - at the ripe old age of 12 weeks. They talk about one another on the weekends, they love to play together, Savannah knows the names of Grace's mom and dad, Grace gives me a hug every afternoon, and Savannah adores Grace's baby brother. When I walked into Savannah's class at day care this afternoon, her teacher just shook her head at me. If you have kids, you know that's never a good sign! Apparently Savannah behaved very poorly today - fighting a lot with Nickel-nick (aka: Nicholas), downright refusing to eat morning snack, napping for only 45 minutes (as opposed to the 3 hours we're used to!), and pulling a chair out from under Grace (and proceeding to laugh while Grace was crying). Rough day!

This is the conversation that occured on the car ride home:
Mommy: Savannah, were you a bad girl today?
Savannah: Yes I was.
Mommy: What did you do?
Savannah: I... I pulled the chair out... out from... from underneath Gracie.
Mommy: You did what?!
Savannah: She hit her head on the *cold* floor.
Mommy: Did it hurt her?
Savannah: Uh huh. She cried. Mrs Erin had to hold her.
Mommy: What did you do?
Savannah: I had to sit in timeout by the white cupboards.
Mommy: Did you tell Grace you're sorry?
Savannah: Nope.

Okay, so my child has no remorse. And, unfortunately Todd and I are both very bad at controlling our laughter. I had Savannah repeat the story to Todd when we got home. Yes, it's bad that she hurt her friend... her best friend. Yes, she had to sit in timeout and was somewhat punished. No, Todd and I couldn't stop laughing. She's so sincere when she tells her little "stories"!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"My boys"

I've been reading lots of mommy blogs recently and realized what a fabulous tool blogs can be. Time seems to escape us, but it's important that Savannah's milestones don't go unmarked and that friends and family across the country can take a peek into Savannah's daily life. We want to share the joy Savannah brings to us with all of you. That being said, here's the inaugural blog:

Todd's dad is in town this weekend to help finish the bathroom in the basement of the condo. His flight arrived very late Friday night, but we'd been prepping Savannah all week for his arrival. When we put Savannah to bed Friday night, we finally convinced her to go to sleep by reminding her that Grandpa would be here to play when she woke up in the morning. Saturday morning rolls around and, lo and behold, she remembers that Grandpa is here! As she's heading downstairs to give Grandpa a hug, Todd meets her halfway and tries to get her to come back up. Not happening! She has a book in her hand and she's on a mission - she wants Grandpa to read to her! Savannah makes a few trips up and down the stairs, gathering the pieces to her book, before Todd breaks the bad news to her... she has to stay home with mommy while Daddy and Grandpa go to Home Depot. Let the tantrum begin! Savannah cried and cried, desperate to tag along. I can usually calm her, but it was a difficult task yesterday morning... after all, Grandpa just got here and Home Depot is one of her favorite stores. She's sitting on our bed, crying her little eyes out, and begins to repeat "I want my boys". Her "boys"? That's a term I'd never heard before. Just for clarification, I asked exactly who her boys are. She responded, so cute and so sincere, with "Daddy and Grandpa are my boys. I want them to come home". But she wouldn't stop crying. I finally calmed her by calling Todd and making plans to meet them at McDonald's for lunch. We got dressed, drove to McDonald's, and waited patiently in the car for Daddy and Grandpa to finish at Home Depot. When Todd pulled up, Savannah cheered "My boys! My boys!" Oh, how she loves her Daddy and Grandpa!