Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I need an intervention!

Do you think there's a 12-step program for an addiction like mine?!?

I think the monogrammed cookie was the last straw...

... or maybe it was the multi-colored flower...

... or the M&M duck...

... or the tulips on the house, because a plain house wasn't enough...

Clearly, I have too much free time on my hands. And this needs to stop. Anyone want a cookie??!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Move over Martha!

The gang at work already gives me a hard time for baking Christimas cookies in my hotel room ... I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it for this:

Yes, those are flowers. Yes, that's Easter grass. And, yes, they're absolutely edible. Isn't that the tastiest bunch of watermelon, canteloupe, pineapple, grapes, and strawberries you've ever seen?!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And the survey says...

I ran across this random little "who does your kid look like" thing-a-ma-bobber today and figured I'd give it a shot. I mean, what do I have to lose?! This is a question that's never been up for debate in our family. Savannah looks like Todd. Period. From day one, the most I've ever heard is "she has your little button nose"... gee, thanks. So let's see what this super high-tech computer program can tell me that the rest of the world can't...

I win. Fair and square. No matter which pictures I chose... and I did this more times than any person should willingly admit... I couldn't get Todd to come out on top. So there. Take that. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

For Tricia...

Alright y'all, it's no secret that I can spend hours and hours "stalking" people online. I've stumbled upon a few blogs that I read religiously, refreshing and looking for updates multiple times a day. Some of them are dang funny women, some of them give great advice, some are filled with heart-warming stories... all of them are mommies. One of the stories I follow is of a momma with CF, her sweet little preemie baby, and one heck of an awesome husband / daddy. To read their amazing story, click here.

So today, via Nate's blog, I was directed to another blog and given this challenge... Here are the things that I can't wait for Tricia to experience:

  • **Baby giggles, deep-down-in-the-bottom-of-her-belly giggles.
  • ** Watching Sesame Street. every. single. day.
  • ** Walking in the door at the end of the day to a little one running, full-steam ahead, with arms outstretched.
  • ** Butterfly kisses. Eskimo kisses, too!
  • ** When a tube of lipgloss and a glass of water are staples on the nightstand, just like mommy.
  • ** The first unsolicited "I love you"... and every one after!
  • ** Insisting that "God is great" is said at the dinner table before mommy & daddy's prayer.
  • ** Hearing her call you by your first and middle name in the middle of a store!
  • ** When chip clips become her cell phone to call friends.
  • ** Why? But why? Why? There's a "why" for everything!
  • ** The pitter patter of footsteps, bright and early on a Saturday morning, because she wants to cuddle in your bed.
  • ** Hearing "you're never never gonna let me watch Dora", even though she's watched Dora and / or Diego every single day for the past four months, and you merely told her to wait until after dinner.
  • ** Hands on hips, pouty lip, sad eyes, exclaiming "well, I'm not gonna be your momma no more"... and when you tell her that you are the momma, she'll respond with "well, I'm not gonna be your friend no more!"
  • ** A light on her nightstand that stays on two hours after she's been tucked in because she's sitting in bed, reading books to herself.
  • ** Being called to her room, two hours after you've tucked her in, after the books have been read, just to hear "momma, will you rub my back?".
  • ** Being corrected by a 3 year-old when counting in Spanish, because Dora is indeed educational.

I could go on and on and on and on... and we all know I'm not shy with words. But I'll stop here. There are so many amazing mommy moments that I can't wait for Tricia to experience. I've never met her, and I likely never will, but she is an incredible woman with inspiring strength and insane courage... she, too, will have a million memories to make with sweet Gwyneth!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Enough said...