This is how I know that my little girl is growing up...
(1) Savannah had a picnic and played in the water table with Mason today for hours on end. They talked and talked and talked. Todd's brother was in town and was absolutely amazed at the conversations they held. They can really and truly talk to each other... really, legitimate, sense-making conversations!
A few of my favorite lines:
Savannah: Mason, if you don't stop crying you can go home.
Mason: I need more juice.
Me: Eat your sandwich.
Mason (1 bite
later): I ate my sandwich
Me: Eat the whole thing
Mason: Oh, I'm sorry.
Savannah: No, that's my cup. Mommy, Mason's not sharing!
Mason: Here Savannah, I'll share with you.
(2) After Round 2 in the water table, this time by herself, it was time for a bath. So I took Savannah upstairs to clean herself off. For starters, she noticed that her fingers and toes were wrinkly... it was cute. Then she asked for her bathtub crayons. She told me she was going to draw a circle. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't believe her... but she did it, a big yellow circle! Then she told me she was going to draw the letter T. Yeah right! Lo and behold, there were T's galore! Finally, she asked me what letter "kangaroo" starts with. I told her to think about it... kkkk-angaroo.... kkkk-angaroo. K! She figured it out. I was amazed. And, of course, I took pictures of her magical Ts!
(3) When I told Savannah that I was proud of her for drawing the letter T, she looked me straight in the eye and said "Mommy, I'm growing up." Yes, I got teary. How could you not?! My almost-3-year-old just recognized that she's growing up and told ME, her mommy. My heart broke a little!