Todd's mom is an elementary school teacher - Grade 2 and Grade 3, I think. She didn't start teaching until Todd was in college, but she has such a passion for it and is so well-suited for the job. "Grandmere" has been buying books for Savannah since before she was born and encouraged us to read to my belly. She's the one we call if we're wondering if the most recent statement out of Savannah's mouth is advanced for her age. She's the one encouraging us to teach Savannah to write her name with capital and lowercase letters, instead of just capital letters. She's our very own, personal educational guru.
So it's no surprise that Savannah's 2-week "summer school" started in the car, on the drive from Tallahassee to Tampa, after Todd dropped her off after her two glorious sand-and-sun-filled days at the beach where her brain literally took a vacation of its own. Todd's mom decided to teach Savannah about superlatives... small, smaller, smallest... big, bigger, biggest... skinny, skinnier, skinniest. And then she got to the superlative that I'm sure will be erased from Savannah's vocabulary for all eternity: F-A-T!
The conversation went something like this...
Grandmere: Okay, Savannah, let's try "fat". Fat, fatter, fattest.
Savannah: Grandpa is fat.
Savannah: Uncle Matthew is fatter.
Savannah: But, Grandmere, you are the fattest!
Okay, so that didn't go as planned!
I'm pretty sure the only thing he's fatter than is the stick he's using to break the ice!