Sunday, June 29, 2008

1... 2... 3... 4!!!

My sweet little Savannah turned four last week. Yes, four! I'm still trying to figure out how that happened... and how to stop time right in this instance so she'll stay cute and sweet forever. We spent the weekend in Michigan, so we didn't really have a birthday party for her. But we all woke up early so she could open presents before she went to school, then we met some friends for lunch on Saturday where she got more presents, and then our friends had a cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to her at their party Saturday night. It was a birthday weekend for her... one in which we constantly heard "I'm the birthday princess" or "it's MY birthday". Cute.

Four seems to be a magical number for Savannah...

She rationalizes things and gives explanations for her actions: For example, she had a potty accident as she was leaving day care on Friday afternoon. When Todd asked her why, she said "my pee pee in my butt was talking to me and telling me it needed to come out. I told it to wait, but it didn't listen." Totally logical to a 4-year-old... and a perfect explanation that she tried to not wet her pants.

She threatens when you don't do what she wants: "Daddy, you're not listening to mommy so you're going to lose priviledges" and "Well I want to watch Dora and you won't let me, so I'm gonna tell on you." Okay, thanks Savannah, but I'm the mommy and I make the rules!

She stopped wetting the bed overnight. Literally. I'm not sure why this surprises me, because she stopped her pacifiers cold-turkey when she turned three. But she went from having a pull-up that weighed 15 pounds in the morning because it was soaking wet to wearing big-girl underwear that stay completely dry. In the week since she stopped wearing pull-ups to bed, she's only had one tiny accident at night.

When we tell her we're proud of her for doing something, her immediate response is "it's because I'm four... and four is big." She's so excited to be four... so proud of her four-year-old self... so independent... so stinkin' smart... and so cute!

Savannah, my sweetpea, you never cease to amaze me. You are the light of my life and a true joy to be around! While you still have many moments of whiney toddler behavior, you really are becoming such a big girl. You are as sweet as pie and the world's biggest cuddler. You give hugs and kisses freely and randomly throughout the day. Your laughter is contagious. You are smart, so smart! You're about to spend three weeks away from mommy and daddy, but you seem thoroughly thrilled to share your love with family in Georgia and Florida. You've made new friends quickly and are becoming less shy. You love making jewelry with beads and reading books, and you're even starting to enjoy playing with your baby dolls. Anything Dora or Diego is still thoroughly entertaining to you. You carry on normal, grown-up conversations on the phone with your Grandmere and your Grampa. You love wearing dresses... every day it's a dress! You are such a blessing in my life and I'm so grateful to have you. Happy 4th Birthday, princess!