Monday, June 30, 2008

"Big Girl" Room

We didn't really decorate Savannah's room when we moved to Canada, so we thought her fourth birthday was a good excuse to create a "big girl" room. We bought new bedding at Target last weekend and I spent most of this weekend creating a myriad of nick-nacks to hang on her walls. While I'm not completely finished, I must say that I like where it's headed!

Bookends and a pillow sham.

Her name decoupaged on wooden squares... and some hand-painted flowers!

Wooden picture frames that I covered with fabric.
I'll add B&W pictures and collage them on the wall.

A plain ole wooden mirror, spiced up a bit!

Pottery Barn, beware! : )


Amy Z said...

Sooo cute, Leesha. I can't believe that she's that old. I can't believe you've been gone so long. Come home!

Anonymous said...

Oh those are adorable!

Keri said...

So cute!!

jamie b said...

I love all of your ideas! :) I especially love the diet coke prop! hehe

Happy 4th Birthday!